Frequently Asked Questions
What is the school uniform?
The details of the school uniform can be found in the school uniform section.
Can I visit the school?
We run school tours for prospective parents regularly at 9.15am, which take around 45 minutes.
The tours are aimed at parents. All children that are offered a place will be invited to join us for a session during the summer term.
Can I park at the school?
We have one disabled parking space but no general visitor parking spaces at school, so visitors and parents are asked to park on Chestnut Lane and walk up the short drive to the reception.
How do I apply for admission to the school?
School places are allocated by Buckinghamshire Council. Please see their website for the admissions procedure.
How do I apply for admission to the preschool (Little Chestnuts)?
Admissions to our preschool (Little Chestnuts) are managed by the school. Please see the admissions section in the school prospectus section.
If I attend the preschool will I get a reception class place for my child?
Attending the school’s preschool has no bearing on a school place which is managed by Buckinghamshire Council.
What do I do if my child is ill?
If your child is not well enough to attend school please call or email the school office by 9.30 am on the first morning of absence. If your child is unwell for more than three days please email or call the school again and provide a written explanation for their absence on their return to school.
What do I do if my child has a dentist, doctor or hospital appointment?
If possible, please arrange dentist and doctor appointments for before or after school. If you have to take your child to an appointment during the school day please notify the school office. A copy of a hospital appointment letter would be appreciated.
How long should my child be absent from school after a bout of diarrhoea or vomiting?
Children should not return to school for 48 hours after the final bout of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Is there disabled access at the school?
Yes, there is a disabled parking bay in front of the reception. There are ramps into the main building and each classroom block. There is an adult disabled toilet and handles in the children’s toilets.
Can I volunteer to help at school?
Yes, we welcome volunteers. However, everyone who helps at school must have a valid and current DBS check. Please note that we ask volunteers to be able to help on a regular basis due to the cost and administration of the DBS check.
Can I access Chestnut Lane School via Elangeni School on Woodside Avenue?
Yes, there is a gate between the schools which is open in the mornings and at the end of the school day. At other times please use the main entrance on Chestnut Lane. The Elangeni gate is for the security and privacy of their school.
What do I do if my child has an allergy or medical condition?
Please inform the school office as soon as practical.
Can I bring a dog onto the school grounds?
Only hearing/guide dogs are allowed on the school premises.
What happens to the money raised at cake sales?
Each class runs an annual cake sale organised by the class representatives. All proceeds from the sale go to the class where the children help decide which resources to buy for their class.
How do I become a class representative?
Please speak to your class teacher or the school office if you wish to become a class rep.
What are the school hours?
School starts at 8.50 am and finishes daily at 3.05 pm, except for on the last day of the autumn, spring and summer terms when the school closes at 2.05 pm.
Is lost property kept somewhere?
We return labelled items to pupils whenever possible. Unmarked lost property is kept by the school office. Unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each term.
Can I take my child out of school during term time?
Regular attendance is important and we encourage parents not to take their child out of school during term time. If this is unavoidable, parents are required to request leave of absence and complete the relevant form at least one month in advance.