Welcome to Little Chestnuts Preschool


Our preschool, Little Chestnuts, welcomes all 3-4 year old children, for the academic year in which they turn four.

Little Chestnuts runs Monday to Friday during term time and parents may choose to book morning, afternoon or all day sessions.  

Morning: 8.45am to 11.45am
Afternoon: 11.45am to 3pm (includes lunch)
All day: 8.45am to 3pm (counts as two sessions)

For children to fully participate in Little Chestnuts we recommend they attend four or more sessions a week.

Outstanding learning in a fun and nurturing preschool environment

In Little Chestnuts the children learn through child initiated play and adult led activities in line with the Early Years Framework.  We are delighted to offer an outstanding standard of Early Years education (as recognised by Ofsted).  In line with the EYFS framework for children aged three and over, there is a qualified teacher overseeing Little Chestnuts, as well as at least one learning support assistant with the relevant level three qualification. This ensures we have a ratio of at least one member of staff to 13 children at all times. Therefore, there will be a maximum of 26 children in one session, which allows for quality interactions and learning opportunities. 

The teacher is accountable for the whole class, rather than separate key worker roles. This means that you will receive regular updates from the teacher, including termly reports and you will have consultations during the year where we can discuss the updates and areas for consideration.

We provide rich opportunities and personalised learning for children to develop through play and exploration. Throughout the week all children participate in a variety of activities inside and outside, such as:

  • sensory play 
  • imaginative activities
  • music and craft
  • cooking
  • malleable activities
  • construction
  • role-play
  • 'helicopter' storytelling
  • painting
  • literacy and numeracy games

We are also proud to be qualified Muddy Puddles teachers.  Our weekly sessions involve visiting our field, eco zone and wooden cabin. These sessions provide freedom for exploration and collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities and development of curiosity to enhance creativity, cross-curricular links and sensory experiences.

Alongside dedicated preschool areas, children can also access the fantastic school facilities which include:

  • indoor gym equipment
  • adventure climbing and play areas
  • calm zones and specialised resources
  • Early Years garden with shaded and sensory spaces, mud kitchen, sandpit, planting and nurture areas
  • the extensive playground with play train, active equipment, balance bikes and scooters

Little Chestnuts have the opportunity to join in with whole school events such as shows, workshops and trips as well as mix socially with the same group of children they will be with in Reception (if they are allocated a place into Chestnut Lane School), 

As the children develop in confidence, curiosity and resilience they build on their range of knowledge and skills to give them the right foundation to ensure their 'school readiness'.

We share the children's individual learning journeys with you online.

100% of parents agree they would recommend Little Chestnuts to other parents.  They say: "Little Chestnuts is such a kind, caring and nurturing environment, which allows children to easily transition to the school environment." "Our child has grown in confidence and developed her abilities. She comes home excited about going back each day." 

Children that stay all day, or come for the afternoon session, may bring a packed lunch or parents may purchase a hot meal from our caterers.

Starting with us

Children can join us at the beginning of each term, and after the half term break in the autumn and spring terms.  Applications to join at the:

  • Beginning of Autumn Term - must be received by 30 June
  • Second half of Autumn Term - must be received by 30 September
  • Beginning of the Spring Term -  must be received by 30 November
  • Second half of the Spring Term - must be received by 10 January
  • Beginning of the Summer Term - must be received 28 February

To apply please complete and submit the Little Chestnuts Application Form below. Unfortunately a place at Little Chestnuts does not guarantee the offer of a reception class place, as school places are allocated by the local authority and we have no influence on this process.  Please see the admissions section regarding our admissions policy.


All parents are entitled to 15 hours of Universal Funding, and maybe eligible for a further 15 hours of Extended Funding each week.  Please see the government website for more information: 30 hours free childcare.  Each session is considered to be 3 hours. If children attend afternoon or all day sessions, the additional 15 minutes at lunchtime is funded by the school. 

If you think you are entitled to the additional funding please tell the school office when accepting a place.

Where a child attends more sessions than their funded entitlement, sessions are charged from September 2024 at  £22 per half day (morning or afternoon session) and £44 per whole day.

Please see our terms and conditions for more information including registration and resources charges.Chestnut Lane's Preschool, Little Chestnuts, is open to children who turn four during the academic year.


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